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Imagine That

I just love books.

Currently reading

Speaks the Nightbird
Robert R. McCammon
The G.I. Diet Cookbook
Rick Gallop
Bait: A Novel - J. Kent Messum Gerald Francis McCabe, he thought. That’s who I was-
He was struck from every angle and with every measure of force.
Blood bloomed thick around him. Tick did not resurface.
Nearby, beer bottles clicked, cigars burned, and significant money exchanged hands.

Six heroin addicts, strangers to each other, all from the seedy underbelly of Miami, find themselves stranded on a deserted island in the Florida Keys. They are jonesing for a fix and the only foreseeable way to get that is to swim to the next island.

But they are being watched, from a yacht anchored off shore, in open water.

No one is coming to your aid.
We have ensured this.

These are shallow waters, where thought can run deep, but do not think yourself safe. You are fodder.

So get that adrenaline flowing, this one has an unapologetic, relentless pace. Only a hundred yards to go……….move!

3.4 stars. We should keep an eye on this young man.

Not recommended for the faint of heart.