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Imagine That

I just love books.

Currently reading

Speaks the Nightbird
Robert R. McCammon
The G.I. Diet Cookbook
Rick Gallop
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - Patrick Süskind Smell, they say, is the strongest of the senses.


I remember a time, years ago, on the beach.
I could smell the lake, the night air
Feel the Harley spinning out of control as it hit the sand. No pain just
The smell of wet leather and silk
Bob Seger singing
Moonlit endless sand
The taste of beer and cigarettes
His scent……..mine….mingled.

That’s the thing about smell; it commands an immediate and visceral response. It is instinctive, automatic; void of conscious thought or will, all the while affecting a wide range of behaviours; emotion, motivation …..memory.

Perfume is an olfactory experience. Murder most monstrous is afoot. Suskind takes you on a bloody, smelly, insane quest.